
TOP TIPS for You on the Benefits of Healthy Eating & Regular Physical Activity

You can enjoy the benefits of making healthy food choices, watching portion sizes and getting regular physical activity!
Here are a list of benefits and tips on how you can reach them:

Benefits of Healthy Eating & Regular Physical Activity

  • energy to do what’s important to you and be more productive
  • reduce the risk of many health problems heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis
  • a better chance for a higher quality of life and perhaps a longer one too!
  • stamina and positive outlook to handle the mental and emotional challenges and emotional ups and downs of everyday life and to deal with stress
  • the chance to look and feel your best

healthy eating plate 2015

6 Tips for Healthy Eating & Drinking:

1.    Load up on vegetables & fruit, make them HALF your plate
2.    Go for whole grains
3.    Remember to include lower fat milk and alternatives
4.    Go lean on meat and try meat alternatives
5.    Choose healthier fats
6.    Satisfy your thirst with water

be active 2015

3 TOP tips to get Active:

1.    Be active at least 2.5 hours/week to get health benefits.
2.    Focus on moderate to vigorous aerobic activity throughout each week, broken into sessions of 10 minutes or more.
3.    Get stronger by adding activities that target your muscles and bones at least two days per week.

Dietitians of Canada (2013) 5 Tips for Healthy Eating and Health Canada (2011) Eating Well with Canada’s Food Guide
Public Health Agency of Canada (2011) Canada Canada’s Physical Activity Guide to Healthy Active Living
Duyff (2012) American Dietetic Association Complete Food & Nutrition Guide